iTRAP: Taking Risks and Prospering - 6 Tips for Overcoming Obstacles that Deter You From Taking Risks
Taking risks is necessary to move forward in life. There are too many people today who dream about that job, that house, that new hairstyle or even sending that "I Love You" text that has probably been sitting in draft text messages for weeks. The Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary defines Risk as: the possibility that something bad or unpleasant will happen. Too often, we (because I too am guilty), have associated the word risk with the negative outcome. My ideal definition of risk does not focus solely on the negative connotation of the word. In fact the StilettoBawse defines risk as: the possibility of a desired outcome upon developing an idea, or a from an occurrence of a series of events. Too many times it can become way too easy to just stick to the things that we are all comfortable with, "The Norm". It's so much easier to wake up and go to a job (that you may hate), than it is to move onto a new one. I must admit, that I too was once ce...