iTRAP: Taking Risks and Prospering - 6 Tips for Overcoming Obstacles that Deter You From Taking Risks
Taking risks is necessary to move forward in life. There are too many people today who dream about that job, that house, that new hairstyle or even sending that "I Love You" text that has probably been sitting in draft text messages for weeks.
The Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary defines Risk as: the possibility that something bad or unpleasant will happen. Too often, we (because I too am guilty), have associated the word risk with the negative outcome. My ideal definition of risk does not focus solely on the negative connotation of the word. In fact the StilettoBawse defines risk as: the possibility of a desired outcome upon developing an idea, or a from an occurrence of a series of events.
Too many times it can become way too easy to just stick to the things that we are all comfortable with, "The Norm". It's so much easier to wake up and go to a job (that you may hate), than it is to move onto a new one. I must admit, that I too was once certain that my comfort zone was where I belonged. Then I realized that I was not progressing and accomplishing the goals that had I set for myself. I felt stuck, sort of like a couch potato. And, I do love couches, and potatoes... Fries, hasbrowns, mashed... you name it. But I realized at that very moment how important it was to Take Risks and Prosper.
You may ask, but how do iTRAP? Where do I begin?
Taking risks does not come easy to many. In fact, an overwhelming desire to remain in one's comfort zone, lack of uncertainty, the fear of failure and other factors often prevents us from taking risks. Whatever it is that seems to be holding you back is not worth the missed opportunities or the chance to thrive and be happy!
Here's 6 Simple Steps for overcoming these obstacles, so that you may begin Taking Risks and Prospering!
1. Get Comfortable with being Uncomfortable! If you want to progress, you must get up out of your comfort zone. To master the art of Risk Taking you must have a positive mindset about getting out of your comfort zone. Unfamiliarity must become a part of your lifestyle. Stop being a couch potato! You will not see progress by sitting on your couch (metaphorical couch that is) all day!
2. Set Goals: Remember those SMARTER Goals . Setting goals that are:
Specific - set precise goals. Ambiguity and uncertainty can lead to failure;
Measurable - set goals that allow you to track your progress;
Attainable - set goals that you can attain, making sure that they are not to easily attained nor to difficult; these goals must be
Realistic - you should be able to visualize them;
Time-Bound - set goals that are bound by time. Impose deadlines.
#EveryDayThingThis - remember that you are constantly developing yourself into the better version of you. Goals are not just a one time thing;
Relevant - set goals that align with your short term and long term life plans.
3. Risk Rejection! Although rejection may hurt, rejection can be seen as a form of redirection. Sometimes you are rejected from that job, only to stumble across something better. Change your view on rejection. Begin with assessing and becoming reacquainted with yourself. Most importantly, remember Rejection Does NOT Define You!
4. FAIL! - Yes, I said FAIL. "Is she crazy??" I just might be...... It might sound like a complete a paradox but the secret ingredient of success is failure. There are always lessons to be learnt in the presence of failure, so do not let failure deter you from taking risks!
5. Seek Support! Friends, family, spouses... Your support team is extremely important. They, more often than they may show, have struggled with similar issues so they can offer support and help you come up with innovative ways to overcome. This is your support team they will offer motivation when you need it most.
6. Believe in Yourself! Toooooo many times I have heard persons, especially those dear to me, underestimate themselves! Child if you don't dust off that self-doubt and realise who you are!!! Seriously, what you feed into your soul is what you will put out. These inner thoughts impact your beliefs and life experiences. So serve yourself up some confidence and self belief and take those risks!
One of my favourite success stories is that of one of America's Greatest Innovators - Steve Jobs. A man who took risks and prospered even in the presence of rejection and failure. In his commencement address in June of 2005 to Stanford Graduates, Steve noted:
"I didn't see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter into one of the most creative periods of my life," he said.
"I'm pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn't been fired from Apple. It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. I'm convinced the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You've got to find what you love."
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