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I'm Dating Me!: Tips on How This Millennial "Survives" Singleness by Cultivating Self Love

I was inspired to talk about this topic after taking myself for Sushi today and jokingly posting a picture of my sushi roll on my SnapChat Story captioned with the title of this post...I'll admit that the title does make me sound like a loner, but I am in fact the complete opposite. First off, I must say that I have experienced all (or most) of the highs and lows of dating and I have grown completely comfortable with being alone. I have taken the time to enjoy life's luxuries alone and developed an unusual liking for "water tasting." I know it sounds really weird, but in my leisure time I have researched and tried several different brands of water in addition to taking up a few online courses. (PS - Core Hydration Perfect pH Water is the business).

It is important to understand that being single is not all about drinking wine alone on a Friday night and sobbing over romantic comedies (although I do find solace in partaking from time to time). Being single provides several opportunities for you to brush up on those old piano skills, or even learn new ones. It allows you the opportunity to re-discover, re-create and re-design yourself.

Grab a pen and a sheet of paper or your electronic device (it is afterall 2017) and write the answers to these questions down.

*5 Questions to Get to Know Yourself Better*
  1. What are some of my Strengths?
  2. What are my greatest weaknesses?
  3. How can I overcome my fears?
  4. What are my core values and beliefs?
  5. Where do I see myself in five years?
For some, identifying answers to the above questions are tough and sometimes not easily articulated. That is okay. Sometimes we have been so consumed in other things and people that we forget about ourselves. It is important to work on you for you. You are the only you you've got! (I should copyright that lol)

How many times have we heard, I love myself, but if I lose 10lbs, or if I were only smarter. STOP! Self-love is not this! Self- Love is not loving yourself circumstantially. But it is

- Knowing yourself
- Accepting your flaws (Heck, lose that10lbs if you want to or gain 10 more!!! LOVE YOURSELF REGARDLESS)
- Admiring yourself  (You hot, sexy you!)

Don't get me wrong, I am by no means promoting singleness as the ONLY way to truly cultivate self-love. Of course I want to one day have the love of my life come home and meet me on the kitchen table drenched in a wide variety of delightful edibles. I do believe that I would very much like that.
But must we remember that we cannot love others until we truly love ourselves. Paul Ferrini said it best when he wrote "you demonstrate love by giving it UNCONDITIONALLY to YOURSELF. And as you do, you attract others into your life who are able to love you WITHOUT CONDITIONS."

The Stiletto Bawse -


  1. I love love love this post. This weekend I'm spoiling myself to a movie day and junk food (kinda cheating on my diet but shhh! dont tell anyone). Females need to hear this. Their so focused on fixing their insecurities but their breaking themselves down in the process.

  2. We all cheat sometimes! I occassionally indulge in a little ice cream here and there! I totally agree with you, they need to understand that it is important to love themselves !


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