What is starting over? What exactly does it mean? To start over means that you are willing to remove yourself from negative environments and people (where necessary) that are often draining you of that growing need to move beyond your sadness or that negative state that you're stuck in. Starting over is willing to accept that you have to leave the past behind to get to a new place of peace.
I must admit, Starting was never really my strong suit. When I felt "stuck", I often tried putting my own feelings aside, and masking how I truly felt day in and day out. Whether it was a relationship or my own spiritual journey, I sucked at starting over, especially when it was necessary to do so. Today, I will share the secrets that have helped me cope when I needed to remove myself from stagnant environments in order to foster my own growth.
Physical Changes that will Jumpstart your Journey to a New Path
This is a no brainier. You want something different, you have to start to feel different even if that means changing the exterior. Trust me, It's a start and the more you embrace it the more sacred it becomes.
1. "New Weave, Who Dis'?". There's just something about them new bundles that makes a woman feel "brand new". If you tend to go for long hair try shorter looks and vice versa. Go for curls over straight. Go bald..... Well if you are as bold (sugar coating my "crazy") as I am. Spice it up. Add some color! Get creative and be fun with it!
2. Change your style. I mean, everyone needs a reason to buy new clothes !
3. Get physical! Try and incorporate at least 15 minutes a day of physical activity into your day. You'll feel a whole lot better!
4. Lose the Self Pity! Put on your favorite songs as loud as you want and dance (even if you can't like me). Celebrate your desire to start over. Have a glass of wine or your favorite beverage, alcohol potent or not. Don't drag on over the past! Remember they don't serve champagne at pity parties!
This is where it would become a bit tough for me. I usually get through the haircut and the new shoes, and the new bags and enjoying prosecco ...... by the bottles that is. After the physical changes grew "old", so did my desire to start over. It is important to understand that in order to get from that negative state, the starting over process must delve beneath just the physical.
Dig Deep!
1. Give yourself space from toxic people and toxic environments. You can't expect to grow in an environment that doesn't foster your desire to grow.
2. Find a quiet place to reflect. I prefer to go to the beach, or a park and think about what brought me to this place. Why did I want to start over? What aspects of my life do I feel most "stuck" in.
3. Spend time with people who are cultivating your growth. Thisssss I can't stress enough. There's no need to continue to hang out with those who can't see your vision. They aren't going where you're heading. Find comfort in friends that know that there's more to life.
4. Journal your Journey! I cannot stress how important it is to keep a diary or written notes. It's like seeing your life in black and white and understanding how far you've come.
My greatest piece of advice is, Don't be afraid to start over. I've done it about 9342 times. No really.
Give yourself the permission to start anew. When you do you'll start to realize that the happiness is worth it.
It's only up from here!
The Stiletto Bawse
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