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BBHMM!!!: How to Reclaim YOUR Finances and "Secure the Bag" in 2018

Last week, I wrote about New Year Resolutions and offered some practical advice for helping you stick to your resolutions and ultimately achieving those goals. The most commonly expressed NYR is usually saving more money, or managing personal finances better. Today, I'm going to share with you the BES Tips for better money management and introduce to you the StilettoBawse Saving Scheme!

One thing that I have learned in my earlier 20's, is the importance of saving. Not just for rainy days, but it feels good when you are in charge of your finances and not the other way around. And lets forbid that we do have another economic downturn, a plan B is always necessary. Andddddd besides.... living paycheck to paycheck is NOT cutting it in this day and age... Seriously guys, I cannot.

A healthy financial life is not all about how much you make, its about how well you are able to manage your finances and save. Here's how I have maintained control of my finances, which also permits me to splurge on myself every now and again.

BUDGET: Setting financial budgets are important. To budget means that you estimate your total expenses and income for a specific time period (which is usually every pay period ie monthly).What I usually do, even before payday, is make a list of all my expenses and bills for the month and make sure that I allocate the necessary funds to cover those. Groceries, cell-phone bills, utilities, gas....You name it, and I have a budget allocated for it!!

ELIMINATE DEBT: Make a list of all the debt that you have. Credit cards, automobiles, owing your friend but flexing in the club.... IDC ...It's debt .. you better own it and pay that man!
For every payment that you make, if it is available, apply one and a half payment to that bill within the billing cycle. So for instance, if your credit card bill is 150 this month, add another 75 dollars to that payment. In addition to paying off your debts quicker, you will also be in greater credit standing with the financial institutions.

SAVE: - Your savings should be an automated deduction or transfer to another account. The goal is not to spend and then save, but save and then spend what's remaining. Most importantly, DON'T TOUCH IT! Allow your savings to grow over time. While constant withdraws generates little to no interest, untouched savings accumulate higher interest overtime.

Saving at first might be hard, because you're so used to your old spending habits. But I have shared with you guys below an easy savings plan, "The StilettoBawse Savings Scheme" to help you get back on top of your finances!!

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Week 41

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Week 48


  1. great tips! and perfect for going into the new year being fiscally smart!

  2. This is a great post! Financial security is soooo important!!

    1. Indeed Monique. That's why I shared my secret tips!!


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